What is TRACE?What is TRACE? > User InterfaceUser Interface > Typical Form Elements

Typical Form Elements

Forms are the backbone of TRACE. Project staff uses forms to enter or update project information, regardless of the module they are working in. A form stores the information in fields logical grouped by tabs.

Figure 2‑5 through Figure 2‑7 provide examples of each tab of the standard TRACE form, using the Action Item form type.


Note: Field names in italics represent required fields. Users must complete these fields to successfully save a form.

Figure 25:  Default Form: General Tab

See Fields for specific information on common field types, and refer to Internal vs. External for information on internal access.

Figure 26: Default Form: Comments Tab


Note: Comments appear in the Main pane for each item and provide a history of item action/resolution efforts.

Figure 27: Default Form: Related Tab

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