Understanding TRACEUnderstanding TRACE > Data Retrieval

Data Retrieval

TRACE provides the following tools to help find data quickly, and turn it into a format suitable for printing:

     Filters: Users enter field criteria to identify the specific forms that they are looking for. The Quick Filter feature displays a filter-builder interface above the Main pane to quickly set criteria.

     Formats: Use to define the fields, or columns, that display for each form in a filter results page.

     Full Text Search: Use to find any text string or phrase in the TRACE database, including text in attached documents, spreadsheets, and PDF files.

     Linking: TRACE provides linking to related items. Use linking to relate similar items to provide supplemental information.

     Reports: Run reports to get up-to-date information on any data in TRACE.

     Export: Use to export filter, report, and test run results for use in Microsoft Office-compatible programs.