Standard ModulesStandard Modules > Requirements


The Requirements (Reqs) module provides a repository to store project requirements. Users can relate Requirements to any other form, providing traceability from concept to implementation to verification. Select the Requirements button on the Module Bar to use this module in TRACE. To learn how to create a new Requirement Group or Requirement, see Add/Edit Tree(s).

The Requirements module follows a tree-type structure to facilitate the creation of separate groups to organize project requirements in the best manner. Requirements fall into two categories:

      Requirements Group: A form that contains a set of related Requirement forms. It is purely organizational.

      Requirements: A form that contains the actual Requirement, typically placed in the relevant Requirements Group. Users can enter the requirement text, and attach any number of requirements documents to it. Additionally, users can link related items and create test associations to help ensure that the Requirement is met.

The Requirements form type has the following fields specific to creating a requirement:

      Factors/Issues: A text field for entering factors and/or issues that could keep the Requirement from being completed.

      Priority: Select the Requirement’s importance to the project, from Very Low to Very High.

      Design Document: Enter the name, and optionally, the location of a design document. Purely informational, this text field does not provide validation or create a link. Use the Attachment field on the Related tab to add a link to a reference document.

      Tested: Select this checkbox to mark the Requirement as tested.

      Duplicate: Select this checkbox to mark the Requirement as a duplicate of an existing requirement.

      Conflict: Select this checkbox if the Requirement conflicts with another.

      Is Change Request: Select this checkbox to mark the Requirement as a change request.

      Tests (Related tab): Enter tests used to verify the Requirement here.

See Fields for an explanation of the other fields that appear on the form.

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