Standard ModulesStandard Modules > TestsTests > Test Case

Test Case

The Test Case form is where the Test Steps are defined that will ultimately help verify that Requirements are met. Users select the Test Steps entered on this form to when they create a Test Run.

The Test Case form type has the following fields specific to creating a Test Case:

      Requirements: Use this field to link the Test Case to a Requirement or set of Requirements.

o    Body tab: This tab provides fields to define the test’s purpose, including:

o    Description: Enter a description for the test.

o    Assumptions: Enter any assumptions concerning the test.

o    Prerequisites: Enter any knowledge, hardware, software, or other necessary prerequisites that a staff member needs to perform the test.

      Test Step Entry tab: This tab provides a test step builder tool to create a sequence of Test Steps. Test Steps have two fields to enter information in:

o    Description: Enter the test step, or what to do, here.

o    Expected Results: Enter what the outcome should be.

Use the Add button to add as many test steps as necessary to create the Test Case.

See Fields for an explanation of the other fields that appear on the form.

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