Using TRACEUsing TRACE > Full Text Search

Full Text Search

See Full Text Search for additional information.

To search a text in TRACE:

1.    Enter the text (single word or phrase) in Search box from Toolbar

2.    Press Enter key from the keyboard

3.    The results display in Main pane.

4.    Click Search hints link from Main pane to see the advance search options

Figure 531 Full Text Search

Full Text Search – Advanced Options

Clicking on Search hints link displays a set of search advanced options:

·         Single word: foo

·         Multi word (implicit AND): foo bar

·         Multi words OR: foo OR bar

·         Exact Phrase (put exact words in quotes): "foo bar"

·         Without a word (put a minus sign just before words you don't want):

o    foo –bar

o    foo -bar -bar1

·         Wildcard (put an asterisk sign to replace one or more characters): fo*, *ar., f*o

Any of the above may be used together with only one of the following operators:

·         Forms only (specify to search the form data only): foo type:form

·         Files only (specify to search the attachments only): foo type:file

·         Specific Form Type only (specify to search into forms of a specific type):

o    foo type:bug

o    foo type:action item

·         Specific File Type only (specify to search into attachments of a specific type):

o    foo type:doc

o    foo type:pdf

·         Specific Field only (specify to search into specific fields):

o    foo field:description

o    foo field:comments

o    foo field:title

o    foo field:body

Figure 532 Full Text Search - Advanced Options

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