Customizing TRACECustomizing TRACE > Customization ProceduresCustomization Procedures > Email Notifications

Email Notifications

One of the things that makes TRACE a powerful tool is a flexible notification system.

The Project Administrators can set who and when should receive notification and how the notification should look like.

Who receive email notifications?

Email notifications are received by the users added in user fields having the Receives emails on change checked. The user is in TO or CC field depending on the form type settings.

When receive email notifications?

Email notifications are sent when a field having On change Trigger Email checked is changing its value. Also email notifications are sent when a status or resolution changes or a comment is added.

How email notification look like?

The Email Template establishes how the email looks like, what information is included in the email.

These settings can be customized for each form type, as described in Modify or Create Form Types or following the steps bellow:

1.    Log into the project as a Project Admin.

2.    From the project home page, click Form Types from the Action links.

3.    Click on Edit Notification to open Customize Email Notifications for <project name> dialog displaying:

a)    Email Template tab containing Email Template settings per form type. TRACE has the following form email templates:

i)     Complete template displays: 

·         Form ID, Summary, Link, Permanent link

·         Change Summary: who made the changes and changes

·         Comments: from latest to oldest

·         Form content: tab order and field order respects the layout of the form, field changes that triggered email are highlighted.

ii)    Restricted template displays:

·         Form ID, Summary, Link, Permanent link

·         Change Summary: who made the changes and changes

iii)   Very restricted template displays:

·         Form ID, Summary

·         Change Summary: who made the changes and changes

b)    Field Notification tab containing the On change Trigger Email setting for each field on all project form.